The Environmental Health Office protects the public by enforcing regulations and standards to help minimize, control, or eliminate sources of human disease and environmental pollution.

The Environmental Health Department is governed by the Board of Health, while the Zoning Department is governed by the Board of Supervisors.

Programs Administered Include:

Private Well Water Testing

Sac County has a grant that pays for testing for bacteria and nitrates for private wells.

Well Closings

Sac County has a grant that helps pay for properly plugging abandoned wells. Sac County will pay up to $400.00 per well if properly closed by a certified well plugger/driller or the homeowner.

Hotel/Motel Inspections & Licensing

Hotels and motels are inspected every other year and upon complaint.

Well Permits

Well permits are $80.00 and have setback requirements. Well drillers must be certified by DNR.

Septic System Permits and Information on Time of Transfer Inspections

Septic permits are $100. There are setback requirements for septic systems. Footage for drain fields is figured up by soils. Time of Transfer inspections must be done by using certified inspectors.

Food Establishments Licensing and Inspections

Food licenses are issued by the Environmental Health office. Fees are set by the state. All restaurants, schools, and convenience stores are inspected by Buena Vista County Environmental Health.

Tanning Bed Inspections

Tanning bed operators need to take an open-book tanning test and be inspected before receiving a license.

Swimming Pools and Tattoo Establishments Inspections

Pools and tattoo establishments are inspected yearly. The state issues the license.

Zoning in the Unincorporated Area in the County

A building permit and Agriculture Exempt permit are needed if you plan on moving a building, reconstructions, addition, or just plan on building a new structure.

More Program Information

For more information on these programs, visit the following websites: 

Bureau of Environmental Health ServicesIowa Environmental Health AssociationIowa Department of Inspections & AppealsIowa Department of Health & Human ServicesIowa Onsite Wastewater AssociationIowa DNR Water QualitySac County Zoning

Contact Information

Sac County Environmental Health & Zoning
Courthouse Annex
116 South State St., Suite A
Sac City, IA 50583

Phone: (712) 662-7929
Fax: (712) 662-7862

Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

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